Gallotti & Radice

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Gallotti&Radice feel, and is, now entrusted with the task and role of continuing to foster the development of “true” crystal design. Crystal, which is both extremely fragile and incredibly strong, transparent and immutable, light and eternal, should be approached by those who design its architecture with genuine respect and deep passion, with authentic poetry (which is true creativity, as confirmed by its Greek etymology) and with intense discipline, patience, reverence, and tenacity. With love.

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Gallotti & Radice

Gallotti&Radice was the first company in Italy, since the early 1960s, to promote the love for studying and using crystal in interior design. Other individuals and businesses later followed suit. Today, this fact is naturally a source of pride but also represents a tangible responsibility towards culture and, in particular, design.

Gallotti & Radice

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